DGMS Young Scientists Business Meeting at the 52nd DGMS annual conference

The 1st official Business Meeting of the Young Scientists will be held as part of the annual conference of the DGMS in Rostock. All members of the interest group are cordially invited.


Dear Young Scientists,

We would like to cordially invite you to participate in the founding event of the “DGMS Young Scientists” as novel interest group of the DGMS. The DGMS Young Scientists are a forum for PhD students and postdocs whose doctorate was awarded less than five years ago and who do not have their own research group yet.

The event will take place during the 52nd DGMS Annual Conference in Rostock on March 12, 2019 from 12:35 to 13:45 in seminar room SR118 (Ulmencampus, University of Rostock).

The outline of the program is:

1. Welcome

2. Summary of the inauguration meeting (Berlin, October 1, 2018)

3. Current status

4. Election of spokespersons

5. Additional topics

Foundation Meeting

On 01 October 2018, the first meeting for the foundation of the new “Young Scientists” group took place at the Fritz Haber Institute in Berlin. 16 young researchers took part and discussed in particular organizational aspects. In addition to the target group, initial plans for self-administration, visibility and a summer/fall meeting were defined. Agilent will … Weiterlesen …
